Support Homes for Communities, Not Corporations!

In the face of an increasingly corporatized housing market, we need bold policies that prioritize the needs of the renter families who are struggling with high housing costs. Policies like COPA and TOPA are a unique way to reclaim housing for residents and shift housing stock back into the hands of our communities. Tech workers from all over can support policies like COPA in San José and TOPA in Berkeley by showing up.  Sign your support today and make sure to share with a friend!

Private equity and venture capital-backed companies are buying up homes at a mass scale and renting them out to the very people whom they have priced out of the market. These challenges make it nearly impossible for moderate-income tenants, first-time buyers, and affordable housing developers to purchase property and maintain it as affordable.

COPA/TOPA  are unique pathways to help low-income families and people of color achieve housing stability. By allowing tenants and/or housing nonprofits to make offers first, COPA helps preserve existing affordable housing and ensure it remains affordable to the people living there. 

In the next couple of months, the cities of San José and Berkeley will be voting on whether or not to adopt  their proposed COPA and TOPA policies. The best thing you can do right now is sign on to join hundreds of other tech workers who are advocating for more equitable housing policy solutions. 

Support Homes for Communities, Not Corporations!

Sign on here to support Community/Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Agreements in your city.

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If you live in San José, look up your Council District here: If you live in Berkeley, look up your Council District here:
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