Tech’s Shadow Workforce: Revealing Disparities in Contract Work – Recording

June 24, 2021

For too long, the tech industry has been powered by an unseen, underpaid, and under-protected workforce. It’s time to reveal this power imbalance and close the equity gap.

On Thursday, June 24th at 12pm PT/3pm ET, we explored the working conditions of contract workers across the tech industry, how inequities are baked into the contracting structure, and what public and corporate policies can be built to protect this growing set of workers. We shared insights from our original research and hear firsthand experiences from contract workers in tech.

The webinar was moderated by Sam Gordon, SVP of Organizing and Advocacy at TechEquity. Panelist included:

  • Hannah Holloway, Senior Policy Manager at TechEquity
  • Chang Fuerte, Former Contract Worker
  • Rachel Williams Demsey, Associate at Outten & Golden

This webinar was hosted on Zoom.